Monday, March 1, 2010

Have you ever...

Have you ever had one of those days where you felt like you hit the mother lode? I was out today with Jade and we were on the hunt for some fabric that would make some cute little stuffed Easter eggs when the call came in. It was Genne and in case you don't already know she is our dearest family friend who has know us both since before we were born. She is like another grandmother; but one with talents that I truly appreciate. She is the first person I had ever known that is a true farmgirl at heart. I am certain that she and MaryJane would be fast friends if ever they were to meet. Anyways, whenever she calls I drop whatever I am doing to take the call. Today was no exception and boy was I glad I was out and about and able to stop by. She was getting rid of her husband’s old "western wear" shirts and wanted to know if I wanted to come by and go through them. Of course I did!! I had already seen the pile in her living room just a week earlier and commented on how beautiful those snaps were on them. She must have remembered how much I loved them. So off Jade and I went to rummage through all their glory. We left with 34 shirts!! I am sure by now you are asking yourself what in the h*ll is Christina going to do with all those shirts? Well they will be refashioned into something else spectacular. I have an idea for an apron and even a dress or two for Jade. I will post pictures just as soon as I finish something. I am not a super seamstress but I am trying to get there. This quilter will learn this year to create clothing! 

Monday, February 22, 2010

So I am a little late

I really did have the best intentions of sharing a few Valentine’s Day greetings with all of you. After all Valentine’s Day is truly one of my favorite holidays. It always has been. I remember one year getting a heart shaped jewelry dish from my Mom. It had the cutest little cherub lying on its belly on the corner and love written in bright red. It was one of my favorite items I had ever received. I had it up until a few years ago. Unfortunately the little cherub broke off into a million little bits thanks to my own little child and it was unable to be repaired. None the less I still can picture it as vivid as ever. I always look at the thrift stores for one to replace it but I haven’t had any luck so far.

This year though I was given some new heart shaped items. Ok they were not actually given to me. I did what I do every year. I went and picked out my own gift. I know it may sound strange to some but for my dear hubby and me it is nearly as traditional as eggs at Easter. It is his way of saying I love you. That way I am never disappointed. It works the same way for every holiday and while surprise might be nice I know too many people who have been surprised with ice cube trays and new vacuums over the years. So this year I purchased a couple of vintage items from one of my favorite junkin’ spots.

Always remember that every day is a good day to be in love with the idea of love and never forget to tell those you love that you love them. Your heart and time is the greatest give you can ever give and theirs is the best gift to receive.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I just love a new toy...

Yes, it is true. I am sort of falling in love with our new toy. I really owe it all to my dear hubby who has been wishing and hoping for a record player. I am not sure why. We only own one record and it is KISS. Yuck!! However, a week or so ago he told me he had seen a ad on Craigslist for a vintage record player. He new if he said the words vintage Curtis Mathes it would send me to a happy place and I would just have to go and take a peek. After all I grew up with grandparents who had owned '70s model that had a tv and even an 8 track player in it. Todd assured me that even if the Curtis didn't play great from the start he would fix it but either way it was a nice piece of furniture. The picture did look good so I called and set up a time to go see the it in person. Well we were in luck the lady who owned it had taken very good care of it. It looks nearly new and guess what.... it works!! It does take a few seconds for the tubes to warm up but the most beautiful emerald green glow comes from the center of the radio when it is ready. I was a bit shocked that the radio even tunes easily to local stations. It gives of this great low hum that might drive someone crazy but not me. It really is just amazing and anyone knows me knows I love old vintages pieces that serve a function. Now I just need to find some old records. KISS just isn't going to cut it for me!

PS... this is the first and last close up look that midnight is ever going to see! 

Monday, January 25, 2010

I thought I could do it...

Well if you remember back a ways this City Chick thought that she would be able to go into the work force full time and give up some of the joys of being a domestic goddess.  Well I am here to tell you that it is NOT going to happen.  I have officially cut my hours back to a mere 18 hours per week after only five months on the job.  It is not that I don't like my job.  I do...well I like it well enough.  It doesn't really feed my soul the way that it needs to be fed.  I thought that the extra money would be nice and don't get me wrong it has been.  It has helped pay for my new sewing room remodel and a few little bobbles here and there but it hasn't brought me joy.  I knew it wouldn't because I am not that kind of girl that believes that money will ever bring happiness.  It does make some things easier which can contribute to happiness but it is not the true cause of it.  It is my family and friends and that do that.  I miss blogging, reading and writing them.  I miss sewing and being creative. 

So my new schedule starts on Sunday and I can't wait!  I have made a promise to myself that I will start posting on this here blog on a regular basis.  I will show you all the new things that I have been creating around my urban homestead.   Thanks to all of you that have been supportive these last few months.  You all bring me such joy and happiness. 

Friday, December 4, 2009

Ahh! Finally a free moment...

I know we all have those days & weeks that never really seem to end. They just go right into the next day like a little blur. OK for some of you it is a life style choice! You know who I am talking about the ones that thrive in there own little chaotic whirlwind. I have some dear friends that fit that particular mold but for me I prefer the more simple life. Not that I don't have my fleeting moments of craziness that I absolutely wouldn't trade. I just prefer to not make them a daily habit.

So you know that in my last post I let you all know that we were making a few changes in our lives here at City Chick's Urban Homestead. Well I am please to report that all has gone along smoothly. Yes, the son still guilt's me for being a full-time working Mom at every opportunity he can find. I really love my job and nearly everyone I work with but I do have to admit that 40 hours per week and an additional 7 hours of driving to and from per week is causing me a little more chaos than I like in my life. It does start to take a toll on the household chores and my farmgirl chores. Well not chores so much as the fact that I haven't had time to craft or sew! So I have decided that at the end of my first ninety days, which ends January 15th, I am going to put in for a schedule change and go down to 30-32 hours per week. That is until I can get on the at-home-agent team. Of course who knows how long that will take. Cutting back my hours will still give me plenty of extra money to support my fabric and textile habit! However, it will give me some time to enjoy it also. I am ready to step out of my little personal cyclone and feed my creative side again!

Monday, September 14, 2009

A change is a coming....

All summer long I felt depleted for some unknown reason. It may have been the due to the unusually cool, yet uncomfortable muggy weather. It may have been due to the fact that all that weather made my garden very unproductive and sent my farmgirl heart into a downward spiral when I realized I wouldn't be making any fresh salsa this year. It could have been the fact that I focused so much on my children and family that their was little left more me. You know how it minute they need you for everything the next they don't want you near them. I love my family dearly but as I sat staring out the window and glancing at my dusty sewing machine a couple weeks back I knew I was due for a change. So no matter what the cause of my summer blahs had been I declared it to be officially over! So over the last several weeks I have been making some swift and decisive changes.

First, Donovan had been asking to go to public school for several months... so one unsuspecting day I decided I would let him go. That very same day I went to the districts main office and enrolled him. It wasn't easy since he had been homeschooled all his life up until this year. I think he was just as amazed that I went through with it. After getting his class schedule redone and meeting some new friends he is doing great. Thriving actually and even getting all A's and B's...all except that D in spanish.
Second, I decided that in order to continue growing and nurturing my farmgirl spirit I was going to need to make a little more money than what my pittily little part time job was giving me. So I gently told my husband that I had every intention of going out and getting a new job. A full time one! Not that he is not a great provider for us. He is amazing and all our bills are paid and we don't use credit cards. Cash and carry only here. However, I felt I needed one that would allow me to pad my bank account so that we can do a little traveling. Next year this farmgirl can make it to MaryJane's Farm Fair over the 4th of July without worrying about if the extra funds would be there or not. Since we don't use and rely on credit cards in our household this trip was not possible to take this year. Basically though my "wants" are starting to outgrow my "needs". Is it selfish of me though at 35 to decide to myself first? Ok honestly I would never put myself first above my children so third. It is not like everyone won't benefit from having the extra cash on hand. I have to admit though going out and getting a full time job was a bit more emotional than I thought it would be. I had so many emotions once I accepted the position and still do a little. I haven't worked full time in so long(over 17 years to be exact) that I am still uncertain of how I will juggle it all. I suppose I will figure it out as I go.

I feel more changes are on there way but they will be good. I can see me outside finishing the interior of the chicken coop, and rerocking the fire pit so we can roast marshmallows over it as the evening temps start to drop. I can see several piles of fabric that have been calling my name. I am feeling energized and have a renewed sense of self worth. I know that as a wife and mother my contributions to this family have been abounding and abundant but they will continue to flourish even when I am not here 24/7.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Turning life into a bowl of cherries...

It all started at Whole Food. I was innocently there to pick up some fruit and veggies. I was there looking specifically for some cherries. After looking for them and not seeing them I continued along on my shopping. A trip there takes long enough without me dwelling on not finding exactly the one thing I really wanted. As I was leaving I grabbed my bags of goodness, put the cart away and would you believe it right before my eyes clear as day were my cherries. I scooped up two bags and headed back to the checkout.

Have you ever had one of those days, well months, where it feels like all you have been doing is running? Either running errands or running the kids, pets, or spouse somewhere? Your brain just can't seem to catch up to the daily activities in a timely fashion? Well that is somewhat how my last month seemed to go more or less. As women I think that we have those moments. Well I decided to do something about this past week. I started it all off with calling the Internet provider to see if we could get a higher speed connection so that my family members could stream videos and play their online games more efficiently. Unfortunately, I had to switch companies but that is ok I didn't mind too terribly. Then once I had that done I called Directv and had them get our service down to the bare minimum of programming. I decided that we had all been spending way to much time on the telly. Alright, I am definitely 2nd runner up to the title of T.V. Goddess so I figured I needed to break free. Yes, I do love television in all its glory. The lure of watching beautiful people on the telly has always been a past time of mine as long as I can remember. I think it must have started as a small child watching the Lawrence Welk Show with my grandfather. All those girls in pretty dresses. Then of course Solid Gold came out and yes, gramps watched that as well. It was ritual that you watched t.v. in the evening. I now discovered that most shows I like come out on video or my children can find them online and set it up for me to watch it through the PS3 onto the t.v. screen. Ah, technology! It is sort of like living with men. Can't live with them and can't live without them.

So all this week I took a much need break. Yes, I still did some housework and laundry but more importantly I took time to just sit and read. A pastime that enjoy but regard as a treat because I never seem to have time. Well this week I read three books in a series of books based on what else...a t.v. show. Well the book of course are much better and intriguing. Plus, they were an easy flowing read from start to finish. But now it is back to business. I still need to get that chicken coop painted and put in the garden this weekend. None of my tomato seeds came up so I am being bailed out big time by my farmgirl friends, Beth and Celeste. Beth assured me that she will bring me an assortment of tomato plants to market Saturday. I also have to get busy sewing a few things. I have bags and piles of fabric everywhere just waiting to made into something. Of course none of those things seem like work when I see the finished results.

So now I am all refreshed and thinking straight again. Life is like a bowl of cherries here at this City Chick Homestead once again.